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Hubly 103: Finding Your Way Around The Client Card
Hubly 103: Finding Your Way Around The Client Card

The Client Card helps you stay on top of the personalized needs and circumstances of every client

Ron Gorodetsky avatar
Written by Ron Gorodetsky
Updated over a week ago

The client card is not just a home base for the day-to-day work that you and your team performs, it helps provide a holistic picture of every client at a glance.

Client Card Header

Name & Household

Next to the Client's Name, located at the top left, is the Household Information. There you can see whether a client is part of a household, their Role, and quickly toggle between members.

The right-facing chevron next to the client's name shows or hides that household's members. Households can be edited by using the menu next to the household name.

If a client is not a part of a household, you can add them to an existing household or create a new household by selecting the Add to Household button.

Pinned Note

Next to the client's name is the Pinned Note section.

Like a Post-It attached to a client's folder/folio, the pinned note section lets you quickly jot down important information that you'd like to keep top-of-mind for you and your team (such as a client's goals, current challenges, next meeting topics, and even pronunciation guides for names.)

The pinned note saves automatically when you click away and is always there at the top of a client card.


Located below pinned notes are Streams.

Streams let you track which services are important to each client at a glance. Streams can be quickly added to a client by using the + Add button or removed by selecting an existing stream to open the options menu.

When a client is part of a household, Hubly makes it easy to choose whether a stream should be added to the current member or the full household.

Streams are displayed as full-sized colored rectangles at the top of the client card and as colored circles on a Client Tile in the hub. Streams can also be configured using the Streams Manager, located along the top of your hub.

Meeting Dates

Located in the top-right corner of a client card, Meeting Dates show you a summary of the next and last meeting, as well as a log of all recorded meeting dates under the See More menu.

The Add Meeting button allows you to add an upcoming or past date. Recorded dates can also be edited from the see more menu.

The Right Column

View Client In

The CRM button, located under the view client in section, lets you quickly open a client's CRM profile in a new browser window.

Contact Information & Important Client Dates

Synced from a client's CRM record, the Primary Email Address and Phone Number are displayed along with a client's Birthday, Anniversary, Fee Agreement, IPS, ADV, and Privacy Offering dates below.

Hubly allows you to add or edit missing dates and these changes are saved to a client's record within your CRM.

Workflows Summary

Below the important client dates section is a summary of active and next workflows.

This section displays all the workflows that a client is currently in, letting you see the progress of each workflow and which workflows are coming up next. Selecting any active workflow lets you quickly toggle to it in the workflow section of the client card.

Next workflows can be added by selecting + Add Next Workflow and scheduled to start on a specific date using Add Start Date.

Whether you're planning the next step of a financial planning process or needing to remember to begin a review for a client on a specific future date, next workflows let you sleep easy knowing that nothing is falling through the cracks.


Located below the workflows section, at the bottom of the right column, are a client's Tags.

Tags help you stay on top of important information specific to each client. We recommend configuring your client tags to help you keep track of a client's account types, products, meeting frequency/months, and holdings - helping you and your team stay on the same page.

Similar to Streams at the top of the client card, Tags can be added to a client by using the + Add button and removed by selecting an existing tag to open the options menu.

Tags can also be configured through the Tags Manager located at the top of your Hub, as well as from within a connected CRM.

When Hubly is connected to a CRM, updated tags will be synced back to each client's profile.

The Main Sections

Upcoming Reminders

Located directly below the header, at the top of the client card, Upcoming Reminders are summarized for all workflow tasks assigned to this client.

Reminders are set for individual tasks within a workflow, and all reminders can be rescheduled or dismissed, and reminders set for tasks can also be used to mark the associated task complete.

Reminders can be set against any task by selecting the bell icon inline with the task.


Located below upcoming reminders, the Workflows Section displays the current workflow a client is in.

From here, workflow-specific tasks can be added, edited, or completed just for that client.

The progress bar of a workflow reflects the total number of tasks completed and is also displayed in the hub.

A workflow can be marked complete at any time using the Mark Completed button, which will allow you to add the client into a Next Workflow (if configured).

Hubly keeps a history of all completed workflows and their tasks for every client. You can switch between active and completed workflows through the dropdown behind the displayed workflow's name.

Hubly also makes it easy to export a full record of completed workflows and tasks for every client by using the Client Report button, located to the right of the workflow's name (next to the + Add Workflow button).

Simply select the reporting period and download format for a complete list of workflows and tasks completed for a client.

Nested inside the client tile menu in a new option to quickly mark the next task complete without having to manually find the task inside the client card.

A quick way to complete workflow tasks in Hubly

You can also find a new way to mark all tasks complete, tucked away in the workflow menu inside the client card. Gone are the days of checking off each task one at a time.


Located below the workflows section, Attachments make it easy to collaborate on the delivery of a client experience with your team.

Files are stored securely and can be uploaded from the client card or via an upload link that can be shared externally with your client or service partner.

Upload links are unique to every client and do not require a password to access. Files uploaded will be added directly to that client card and links expire 30 days after creation.

Files cannot be retrieved/downloaded from the upload link (only from the client card), and the upload record is removed when the upload page is refreshed.


Located at the bottom of the client card, the comments section lets you quickly record meeting minutes and other important details and service notes.

Comments can also be added to specific workflow tasks by selecting the in-line Add Comment button from a task.

When connected to a CRM, Hubly syncs existing and new comments as notes into the client's CRM record (and back).

See Previous Workflows Right In The Client Card

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Hubly makes it easy to see what you were working on for a client, in addition to already being able to plan what you need to be working on next.

When a client is moved to a next workflow, the previous workflow will now be displayed in the client card.

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Smart Skipping For Scheduled Workflows

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Hubly does not move clients to a next workflow when it is scheduled to a start date. Instead when a current workflow completes, scheduled workflows will remain within the client card and you will be given the option to move clients into any remaining unscheduled next workflows.

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