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Passing the Baton

How to quickly assign tasks and reminders to your team

Ron Gorodetsky avatar
Written by Ron Gorodetsky
Updated over a week ago

When you have completed your assigned task(s) in Hubly, it doesn't necessarily mean that the job is done! You may need to 'pass the baton' to another team member, allowing them to complete their task by the appropriate due date.

What is passing the baton?

Essentially, passing the baton entails reviewing the next task, assigning it to your team member, and setting a reminder to bring it to their attention at the appropriate date. When they start their day, they'll see the newly assigned task at the top of their Hub Feed.

This also means that the task will now be brought to their attention when they filter active workflows to those with tasks assigned specifically to them.

Now, it is easy to keep everyone focused just on the tasks that need their direct attention today, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Assigning Tasks to Team Members

You can assign a user to any task in a workflow by navigating to Edit Workflow in a workflow menu in your Hub:

There you can select the user icon to the left of a task's name in the workflow:

Scheduling a reminder for assigned tasks will ensure that whenever a client is added to the workflow, that user will be reminded about that specific assigned task.

In A Client Card

You can also assign a user to any task of a workflow that a client is currently in by opening that client card and navigating to the workflow:

Then you can select the user icon to the left of a task's name in the workflow:

The assigned user will display alongside the task reminder in the Hub Feed:

The assigned user will also display in-line with the task reminder when previewed by hovering over the bell icon on the client tile:

Filtering by Reminder Status

Whether you're tracking deadlines, delegating tasks, or making sure that your workflows are staying on track, Task Reminders will help you focus on what is important now.

When you set a reminder for a workflow task that is assigned to a team member:

  • The assigned user will display next to the task's name in the workflow

  • The assigned user will display next to the task's name in the client card

  • The assigned user will display next to the task reminder's name in the Hub Feed

  • The assigned user will display next to the task reminder's name in the preview from the client tile

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