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Remove and Re-Assign Service Team(s)

Quick guide on how to remove and re-assign service teams.

Louis Retief avatar
Written by Louis Retief
Updated over 5 months ago

This feature is limited to the Business and Scale plans.

You can simply remove and re-assign service teams by following these steps:

Visit the setting page

Navigate to service teams and then delete team and/or re-assign contacts.

Service teams can only be deleted if they have zero contact(s) assigned to them as shown below by John's Team.

In order to delete a team you need to re-assign the contacts. You can do this by clicking on the contacts which will open a modal of assigned contacts that need to be re-assigned.

Below you will see the modal for Debbie's team.

You can then click on a specific client like Bob Smith to re-assign the team. This will automatically open Bob Smiths client profile where you can then re-assign the service team. Once all clients have be re-assigned you will be able to delete that service team.

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