Workflows let you build out high-level structures to organize your clients by, while tasks create powerful, well-documented steps that your team can easily follow and build upon as you grow.
The workflow menu lets you edit a workflow, re-order the list of clients, edit the appearance of client tiles, duplicate the workflow, hide the workflow from view, and delete the workflow from your Hub.
Workflows can include a list of tasks that helps you deliver a repeatable client experience.
This list of tasks will be included for every client added to the workflow and can be added to, completed, edited, or deleted for each client individually.
You can edit an existing task by selecting the task's name.
You can reorder tasks by dragging on the grip-lines.
Select the Add Task button to add a new task.
Start by writing a descriptive task name:
Tasks can be configured with a reminder, email template, time estimate, description, and condition before being saved.
Let's start configuring this task by selecting the bell icon to add a reminder.
You can select whether the task reminder should trigger immediately or a specific time after a client is added to the workflow.
Select Add to save this reminder.
Next, select the email icon to configure an email template for this task.
Email templates provide a quick way to document and share frequently used emails that you and your team can later customize and send when completing this task. Hit Save to continue.
Now we will add a time estimate by selecting the clock icon.
Time estimates let you capture how much time this task should take. Later, when the task is completed for a client, Hubly will let you revise this estimate before recording time spent.
Select or input a time and hit Add to continue.
Next, we will configure details for this task by selecting the Descriptions icon.
Descriptions can help you provide context on a task and detail the specific steps that should be taken.
Task links can be added to easily reference outside resources and software tools that you would like to link-out to from Hubly when working on a task.
You can add a responsibility indicator to this task to make it stand out within the workflow if you know that it's likely to be a task that you will wait on the client for (ie. document collection or meeting scheduling).
Once you're done configuring task details, select Save to continue.
Lastly, we will select the filter icon to add a condition to this task.
Conditions let you choose to exclude this task from the workflow if a client does not have a specific stream or tag. For example, you could select the Student Loan stream/tag if this was a task to collect updated student loan statements from your client.
Select Add to save changes.
Before saving the new task, you can deselect the "Add to existing clients" option if you do not wish to add this task to clients currently in the workflow at this time. This new task will still be added for clients you add in the future.
Further down the workflow, you can configure workflow rules to look for and add clients with a specific stream and/or tag combination to the workflow for you.
Workflow rules can help you create powerful automation that saves time and helps you avoid having to run monthly reports to analyze service needs.
Below rules, you can add Next Workflows to indicate where a client should (or could) be added to next once you complete this workflow. Next workflows help create structure and repeatability that's easy to follow by everyone on your team.
At the bottom, you will find the Attachments section where you can choose and upload files (such as frequently used worksheets and templates). Now when a client is added to this workflow, a new copy of this file will be created and added to their client card.
You're all set! Now instead of managing todos across multiple spreadsheets, emails, and notes, you can build workflows and define repeatable task-lists that can be easily customized to meet the needs of every client.
Create Seasonal Task Conditions
Task conditions let you choose to only include a task in a workflow if a client has a specific service need (Stream) or attribute (Tag).
Now Task Conditions can further tailor your workflows to match the seasonality of your client service calendar.