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Save 'Show All' or 'Show Active' Workflows to a View

Views can include selections for Active or All Workflows

Louis Retief avatar
Written by Louis Retief
Updated over a week ago

Views can be configured in your Hub to:

  • Show every Workflow in your Hub, or only Workflows with clients in them

  • Dynamically update themselves as you created new Workflows, or as clients are added to inactive Workflows

In Hubly, when you select the Show All or Show Active buttons, the resultant Workflows can be saved to a View.

For example, selecting Show Active, along with other filtering parameters (such as Current User) will display active Client Workflows. This combination can be saved to a View:


To keep you up to date, Workflows that become active while the "Show Active" setting is enabled will appear when the Hub is refreshed.

Show Active View before a contact is added to a Workflow:

Updated Show Active View after a contact is added to a Workflow:

Existing Views won’t be automatically updated to reflect these changes. To update your Views, you will need to select Show All or Show Active in your view, then select Update View.

To see the number of Active Client Workflows in a specific View, select Views and the summary information of your View will be displayed:

The number of Workflows on the Workflows button at the top left of your Hub will typically display the “Show All” number of WFs, regardless of whether you have “Show All” or “Show Active” selected:

Exceptions to this (meaning a different number of Workflows will be displayed beside “Show All”) include:

  • Selecting Hide from View on a Workflow while in a specific View

  • Deselecting a Workflow from the Workflow menu while in a specific View

If a View with “Show Active” parameters has a Workflow manually removed (e.g you "Hide from View" a Workflow, or deselect a Workflow from the menu) the View will not update automatically based on those deselections. This means the View would not refresh with updated Active Workflows into that View moving forward.

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