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Automating Your Year-end Reviews

Leverage Hubly and Zapier to create a scalable year-end review meeting process to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks

Ron Gorodetsky avatar
Written by Ron Gorodetsky
Updated over a week ago

Hubly already makes it easier to stay on top of your client review meetings, and now by setting up a few automated steps, you can build a streamlined process that lets you eliminate data rekeying and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

When it comes to setting up automated steps in Hubly, there are two ways to get started:

  • Zapier — which helps you create Hubly actions based on triggering events that occur in the other systems that you use. For example Calendly, ScheduleOnce, Acuity, Gmail, or Microsoft 365.

  • Workflow Rules — which allow you to automate how clients are categorized and when clients are added to each workflow. For example Repeating Rules, Important Client Date Rules, Add or Remove Stream/Tag Rules, and Age Based Rules.

Today, you're going to learn how to make these pieces work together to automate your Year-End Review Process.

Above, we can see a sample Client Review Meeting Process. These steps help you keep track of where clients are at, from scheduling and preparation to follow-up!

Automated Workflow Trigger

In Hubly, you can set up Repeating Rules to add clients pro-actively at the right time of the year, helping ensure that you are alerted to schedule in meetings with all relevant clients.

You can set up this Automation Rule to add all Active Clients to this annually, quarterly, or at a different frequency that meets your needs.

Smarter Workflow Tasks

You can make the tasks in your Meeting Scheduling Workflow smarter so that everyone on your team has what they need to get the job done.

We recommend saving a templated scheduling email and adding a scheduling link to your calendaring software to the task's description. If your team has more than one advisor, you can always add multiple links.

Giving your team the templates and bookmarks that they will need will help eliminate unnecessary friction and allow you to iterate more effectively on the process over time.

You can also add a smart task reminder to the follow-up step to get your attention if you don’t hear back from a client.

In our example, we set this reminder to trigger 1 week after the completion of the preceding task, which is to send the scheduling email.

Using Zapier To Save Meeting Dates

If you use Calendly, Accuity, or ScheduleOnce to manage meeting scheduling, you can leverage Zapier to trigger as soon a meeting gets booked.

Zapier helps eliminate the need to rekey data and removes unnecessary delays in kicking off Workflows.

Too much time is lost to these avoidable bottlenecks — and with this type of automation, you can ensure that your workflows don't wait on anyone to complete these manual steps.

To set up this Zap, you will use your calendaring software (ie. Calendly) as the triggering app, with the trigger event being that a meeting event is created:

The next step, your first action, will be a Filter step. This ensures that your Zap will only continue for meetings that match the name of the meeting type in Calendly (ie. your "Review" meeting).

The next step will be in Hubly — you always want to start with the Find or Create a Client action event:

Quick Tip: Don't see Hubly as an available App? Learn how to set up the integration.

We set it up based on the email that was used to schedule your event. We'll use the Email Address submitted via Calendly in the first step of this Zap to locate the corresponding contact record in Hubly.

Quick Tip: In this case, we assume that the contact record already exists. If that is not the case, you will want to select the "Create Hubly Client..." option.

Now that this Zap has located the client in Hubly, you can set up the next action to save the date of the scheduled meeting.

To do this, start by selecting Hubly as the action and Set Client Date as the event.

Now you will need to select your Hub and then for the Client field, you will need to select the Client "ID" located in this Zap's previous action.

Now select "Meeting" as the Client Date Type and the Meeting Date Type should match the meeting for which you’re setting the automation up for (ie. Review Meeting).

Finally, you will set the "Event Start Date" from the Calendly trigger for the New Client Date field, saving the new meeting's date and time to Hubly.

Quick Tip: You'll be looking for the start date in the drop-down that looks to be the ugliest and most complicated! This is the only machine-readable date.

Now that we’ve saved down the meeting date, we can create a final step for the Zap to add this client into your next Hubly workflow, so that you don’t need to do it yourself.

This step is your Assign Client to Workflow action. Simply use the Client ID from your Find a Client step, and select the relevant Workflow (ie. “Client Review Preparation”) in Hubly.

Lastly, you have the option to add a Delay action before this "Add to Workflow" step.

This way, the Zap will pause and wait until closer to the meeting date prior to adding your client to the next workflow in Hubly.

You can configure this action to ensure that the client does not appear in the Meeting Preparation workflows until a week before their next meeting.

Simply set the delay step in Zapier to pause the zap until 1 week before the scheduled meeting date.

Quick Tip: You can control the time it has set the delay for by keying in -1w for week, or m for month, or d for day.

You should also configure this step to "Always Continue" if the meeting date is less than 1 week away at the time that it is scheduled.

Using Meeting Dates To Automate Follow-Ups

This final phase of automating your Year-End Meeting Workflows can be completed directly in Hubly!

Start by editing your Review Meeting Follow-Up Workflow and adding an Important Client Date Rule:

This rule should be configured to add Active Clients into your Workflow on the day of their Next Meeting of type Review Meeting. This will help you and your team ensure follow-ups are never missed.

Quick Tip: You can also set up smart task reminders to ensure that meeting notes are saved down and follow-up emails are sent out to the client within an appropriate amount of time.

Congratulations! You are ready to tackle your Year-End Review Meetings with a process that is fully repeatable for all of your meetings, and scalable to track the needs of all of your clients.

Setting this up is an upfront investment that pays back dividends, letting you ensure that things never fall through the cracks again!

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