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Managing Non-Client-Facing Tasks

Some Tasks that you complete on a regular basis may not be Client-centric — learn how to plan and manage those in Hubly.

Ron Gorodetsky avatar
Written by Ron Gorodetsky
Updated over a week ago

Since not all of your work is client-related, building non-client-facing Workflows will allow you to:

  • Plan recurring practice management activities that you need to stay on top of on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis

  • Capture outstanding to-do's facing you and your firm

  • Develop and document Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the less-common processes (such as staff on-boarding, off-boarding, strategic planning, and more)

  • Make it easier to iterate and improve your operations as your Firm grows in size and complexity


In Hubly, you will need to start by creating (or adding) a contact record named after your own firm — this will allow you to capture these outstanding items:

Tip: If a Workflow is team-member specific (for example compliance or registration-related Tasks), you can always add specific team members.

Next, we recommend breaking down your ongoing cadence of activities on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis:

Tip: If your Firm is larger and your operations more complex, consider breaking apart Sales & Marketing, Finance, and Business Management related areas, as shown above.

For small Firms, your internal Workflows could be:

  • Weekly Cadence

  • Monthly Cadence

  • Quarterly Cadence

  • Annual Cadence

For larger Firms where team members may become responsible for specific areas, we recommend:

  • Weekly Cadence

  • Monthly: Sales & Marketing

  • Monthly: Finance

  • Monthly: Management

  • Quarterly: Sales & Marketing

  • Quarterly: Finance

  • Quarterly: Management

  • Annual: Sales & Marketing

  • Annual: Finance

  • Annual: Management

Tip: Start simple and manageable — you want to stay on top of your list of tasks, and iterate upon it as your Firm grows.

Automating The Cadence

Now that you have created a framework, it's time to configure Workflow Rules to find and add your Practice's client card to each of these Workflows on an ongoing basis. First, add your Practice to a new #ops tag:

Next, edit each Workflows and create a Repeating Rule to add #ops tagged clients on a corresponding (monthly, quarterly, or annual) frequency:

Remember: You need to stay on top of your Tasks, checking them off and completing the Workflow in a timely manner — otherwise, these Rules will not be able to add the same record back into the Workflow when the time comes.

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